Allahabad High Court Justice Bench, Sunil Ambwani and Justice K N Pande rejected the petition filed by UP government and ruled that Urdu Diploma Holders are capable enough to teach Urdu Language, hence they have the right to be appointed as Assistant Teachers in primary schools. Allahabad High court maintained the decision taken single judge bench of the same court and approved the appointment letter of Furqan Ali and another person as Urdu Teachers and rejected the appeal of UP government against the appointment.
Furqan Ali and another diploma holder had applied for the post of assistant teacher and but they were not considered eligible for the vacancy because Diploma in Urdu. After being rejected for the vacancy they filed the petition against the UP government saying that, they are certified diploma holders in Urdu which is recognized by NCTE and this diploma is equivalent to Urdu BTC, hence under the act of Educational Service for Teachers, 1981, section 8 (4) of UP, they are eligible for BTC Urdu. Single Judge Verdict directed UP government to appoint them as Assistant teachers but UP government challenged the single judge bench verdict in reposed to the challenge 2 judge verdict upheld the verdict and rejected the UP government petition.
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